What is the difference between Podiatrist and Chiropodist?

Podiatrist and Chiropodist can both diagnose and treat any problems and conditions of the lower limbs. Nowadays the term Chiropodist is a retired term and has been since 1977 in Australia and replaced with the term Podiatrist. A podiatrist is a university qualified health practitioner, often with a Masters or Doctor’s degree in Podiatry.
Podiatrists can assess, diagnose and treat the lower limb regions, which covers the feet and knees. We can treat people of all ages, including children with their growing pains, in-toeing or flat feet. Elderly who need general foot care and regular foot assessments to help keep them healthy and mobile. Diabetic neurovascular assessments of their feet. We can also assess and treat acute and chronic sporting injuries of the lower limb. Common sporting injuries we treat in the clinic include: Achilles Tendinitis, Shin Splints, Ankle Sprains, Heel Pain and Heel Spurs etc.
Essentially podiatrists are foot and lower limb health professionals. We can also perform corrective ingrown toenail surgery to help you fix recurring ingrown toenails in the long-term.
Podiatrist also specialises in performing Biomechanical assessments of the lower limb, that is looking at how much range of movement each joint of your lower limb functions and how it may affect the way you walk or run. If there is a weakness in the biomechanical functions of your lower limb, we can help recommend supportive footwear or prescribe custom-foot orthotics (insoles for your shoes). These treatments improve your feet movement and reduce the risk of falls and injuries in the future.
If you suffer any of the above-mentioned conditions, let us help you. Call us today on (03) 8821 7188 or book online.